Z-Max Zombie Ammunition 223 Remington 55Gr (Per 20) in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $15
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Hornady xxxx1 Z-Max Zombie Ammunition 223 Remington 55Gr (Per 20)
ZOMBIE MAX™ Ammunition and PROVEN Z-MAX™ Bullets Be PREPARED - supply yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse with Zombie Max™ ammunition from Hornady®! Loaded with PROVEN Z-Max™ bullets….yes PROVEN Z-Max™ bullets….….(have you seen a Zombie?) Remember….only head shots count……make sure your ""bug out bag"" is ready with nothing but the best!
Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition - make DEAD…PERMANENT!
- Caliber: 223 Remington
- Grain: 55
- Per 20"Price: $15.82
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/z-max-zombie-ammunition-223-remington-55gr-per-20.html