XPRESS Lever Broomhandle Vertical Foregrip Olive Drab in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $46
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Ergo xxxx-OD XPRESS Lever Broomhandle Vertical Foregrip Olive Drab
Ambidextrous, overmolded rubber, XPRESS mounted, vertical forward grip with capped storage compartment.
- An overmolded rubber grip attached to durable anodized base with steel bolt
- The threaded cap seals the storage area, each comes with a foam insert
- XPRESS Mount model attaches to Picatinny rails without removing other rail accessories
Color: Olive Drab Green
"Price: $46.95
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/xpress-lever-broomhandle-vertical-foregrip-olive-drab.html