Xantrex Inline Transfer Relay f/PROwatt SW (808-0915) in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $48
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
PROwatt SWInline Transfer RelayAn easy to mount 15A Inline Transfer Relay provides switching between shorepower and inverter AC source. It comes with a power plug for convenient connection to the inverter GFCI and a hardwire cord for the AC input and output interface. It is available as an accessory to the Prowatt SW product line.
Manufacturer: Xantrex
Model: 808-xxxx
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.manventureoutpost.com/products/Xantrex-Inline-Transfer-Relay-f%7B47%7DPROwatt-SW-%xxxx8%252dxxxx%29.html?google=1