"Target Spots 1.5"" Round/1000" in Denton, Texas For Sale
Birchwood Casey xxxx9 Target Spots 1.5"" Round/xxxx
Birchwood Casey Target Spots 1 1/2 inch Round Target xxxx - Sheet Pack
Birchwood Casey Target Spots 1,000 - Sheet Packs... high-contrast, fluorescent
red bull's eyes for ""anywhere"" shooting! Hone your aim with these Target Spots
Targets! Convenient, self-adhesive spots instantly create bull's eyes for target
practice at various distances, on all sorts of objects! Great for all types of
shooting; rifle, shotgun, handguns and even archery! Each has a peel-away backing
that reveals adhesive material guaranteed to stick till you're done! Comes with
16,000 Targets. Perfect practice tool for training your shooter's eye... get yours
now! Birchwood Casey Target Spots 1 1/2"" Round Target 1,000-Sheet Pack."Price: $127.27
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/target-spots-1.5-round-xxxx.html