"Strion Charger/holder (Strion)" in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $25
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Streamlight xxxx2 Strion Charger/holder, (Strion)
Streamlight xxxx2 Strion Flashlight Charger / Holder is an accessory for Streamlight Strion Flashlight. The Strion Fast Charger Holder does not include cords. Streamlight snap-in RAPID (2.5 hour) charger cradle. For use with Strion Flashlights.
You can buy Streamlight Universal Charging Cords separately.
120 volt AC Charge Cord - xxxx1
12 volt DC Lighter Charging Cord - xxxx1"Price: $25.01
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/strion-charger-holder-strion.html