"Spotting Scopes & Tripods 15X-45X-50mm HC Spotter Tripod" in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $116
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Burris xxxx11 Spotting Scopes & Tripods 15X-45X-50mm, HC Spotter, Tripod
The High Country series of spotting scopes are full of features at an affordable price. Each scope features a rubberized, waterproof exterior and has fully-multi-coated optics to provide the viewer with a clear and accurate image. The slide-out sun shade even has an integrated lens cap to protect the objective lens from dust and scratches.
- Magnification: 15X45X
- Eye Relief: .7
- Field of View: 105/60ft @ 100 yds.
- Length: 14.2""
- Weight: 32 oz.
- Finish: Green"Price: $116.06
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/spotting-scopes-and-tripods-15x-45x-50mm-hc-spotter-tripod.html