OPSGEAR Head to Toe Tactical Gear and Gun Gear in Denton, Texas For Sale
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.
North Salt Lake, UT xxxx4
OPSGEAR® Is a veteran owned and operated company established in July of xxxx. We hand pick each product that is shipped worldwide. Virtually everything we sell has been proven in the field. We make choosing gear easier by focusing on proven products and having veteran partners.
From xxxx - xxxx we established the Urban Warfare Center® as a premier force-on-force training facility. We have saved lives as thousands of Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airman, Federal Agents and Police have been trained for FREE in this elite facility.
We have a division called OPSMEDIA® that is the core for our dynamic web presence, commercial DVD releases, and has provided our hottest selling OPSGEAR® branded merchandise.
We continue to give hundreds of hours of donated service to our communities. We support the Wounded Warrior Project as well as many humanitarian relief missions around the world.
One of our latest FREE offerings is the video/seminar series call FREE Tactical Tips. This dynamic program has trained old and young alike to avoid danger and survive a lethal confrontation. This has also been completely done FREE with donated time, materials and talent.
Make sure to LIKE us on Facebook and also visit us on our Youtube Channel to view the hundreds of short clips from education to entertainment!