Leatherman Squirt Multipurpose Tool 831200 in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $24
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Leatherman Squirt Multipurpose Tool xxxx00
When the first Squirt E4 came out it seemed so unique to one kind of work we sold it only at specialty electronic stores. As time went on it became so popular and people (as with most Leatherman tools) found it to be so handy for all kinds of jobs, we opened up distribution to all kinds of stores nationwide. Now called the Squirt ES4 we added scissors to the tool making it even more versatile.Condition: New
Availability: 2
Source: http://www.into-the-wilderness.com/Leatherman-Squirt-Multipurpose-Tool-xxxx00_p_xxxx78.html