Leatherman Juice C2 Multi-tool Pliers 70101003K in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $42
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Leatherman Juice C2 Multi-tool Pliers xxxxxxxxK
The Juice C2 is an extremely handy little devil with fiery red anodized aluminum handles. A true Leatherman, the C2 is well equipped with pliers, wire cutters and four screwdrivers. The C2 also comes with a corkscrew and a can and bottle opener. It's built on the smallest size chassis of the Juice models. A lanyard attachment allows it to be easily attached to a backpack zipper, carabiner, or key chain. The Juice C2 is covered by Leatherman's 25-year warranty.Condition: New
Availability: 15
Source: http://www.into-the-wilderness.com/Leatherman-Juice-C2-Multi-tool-Pliers-xxxxxxxxK_p_xxxx86.html