Crimson Trace LG-487 Springfield Armory XDM/LG/FA in Denton, Texas For Sale
The LG-487 is another engineering marvel for Crimson Trace - providing our industry-leading instinctive activation, while working seamlessly with the unique design aesthetics of the Springfield XD(M) line. LG-487 laser sights attach to the pistol by utilizing the replaceable backstrap feature of the XD(M) with a rear activation switch. The switch is instinctively activated as the pistol is held in a natural firing grip - all without compromising the grip safety of the weapon. With the laser activated from the rear, the front strap and accessory rail are prepared to accept the LTG-746 Lightguard?.Specifications:- Platform: Lasergrips® - Material: Polymer - Attachment: Grip Replacement - Activation Location: Rear Activation - Sighting: Factory Sighted at 50' - Master On/Off Switch: Yes - Batteries For Life: Yes - Battery Type: Two #xxxx Batteries - Laser Battery Life: Over Four Hours - Laser Output: 5mW Red Laser - Activation Mode: Pressure Activated - Laser Visibility: Ap.
Manufacturer: Crimson Trace
Model: LG-487
Condition: New
Price: $299.00
Availability: In Stock