Akita Forend Mossberg in Denton, Texas For Sale
Price: $19
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Advanced Technology Intl A.1.10.xxxx Akita Forend Mossberg
ATI Mossberg Akita Forend
- Ergonomic Forend Design with Sure-Grip Texture
- Weatherproof
- Extreme Temperature Glass Reinforced Polymer Forend
- Manufactured in the USA
Fits: Most 12 Ga Mossberg* 500/535/590/835 Shotguns
Note: *The forend included in this package is only compatible to Mossberg Shotguns with a removable forend, any Mossberg Shotgun newer than xxxx should be checked to ensure that it has a removable forend. "Price: $19.01
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/akita-forend-mossberg.html