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Personal Protection Dogs in Denton, Texas For Sale

Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.

CQB K-9? is providing highly trained Personal Protection German Shepherd Dogs for families, women in danger, felony crime victims, and business owners requiring an alarm system, bodyguard, companion, and family member, all in one package?.
There truly is no dollar amount that can be put on these dogs when considering the hundreds of hours that go into the training, not to mention the thought that one of these dogs could actually save your or one of your loved one?s lives. The reality of today?s society is that it can be a cruel and ill intentioned one. Having a quality Protection Dog means that you and your family will sleep much more comfortably at night.
German Shepherd Dogs from Slovakia and Colorado, USA.

State: Texas  City: Denton  Category: Animals
Animals in Texas for sale

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